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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Home » , » Cbox vs Shoutmix: Who is better ?

Cbox vs Shoutmix: Who is better ?

There are some tools we can use to express our chat activity and connect to our visitors through our site or blog. Some are Shoutmix and Cbox. In this blog I install Shoutbox/shoutmix rather than Cbox. I didn't have any crucial consideration in the beginning when I installed this kind of tools in my blog. Both have similar feature and function.


Looking after several other sites I have visited, I found some experiences during try to leave my comment or chat. In most of blogs using Cbox, I underwent difficulty on submitting my words. Most of them are failed being posted.

In the other hand, in some other blogs using Shoutbox, I didn't find those kind of problem. Almost all of my shout were successfully posted. Base on my experiances, I can justify Shoubox is better than Cbox, especially in its respond and the easiness to post any shout. I didn't compare they other features.

What about your experiences?


  1. rupanya kita hampir sependapat soal messagebox ini. cuma kelemahan shoutbox banyak penggunanya kena ban tanpa sebab tertentu. seri sendiri pernah mengalaminya selama 2 bulan. bagi penguna broadband dibawah 40kbps memang akan menghadapi masalah bila mengunakan cbox.

  2. belum pernah pakai Cbox sih, jadi kurang ngerti.

  3. karena pakainya Shoutmix, ya bilang aja lebih bagus itu, hehe....

  4. info bagus gan.... sukses terus...

  5. Aku ga pernah signup cbox jadi ga tau. Tolong dong shoutmixnya di setting ulang.

  6. I think the Cbox is the best because it is easy and unlimited (^_^) ...

