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Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Add Emoicon in Chatbox

By default, chatbox provider (Cbox, Shoutmix, Oggix, etc) already embed emoicon in their chatbox that we can use to represent our emotion during chat. One to another provider will provide us standard-similar emoicon.

Some time we can feel boring with those standard emoicon for any reason, such as less interactive, to small icon, not colorfull, can't repreasent our entirely feeling, etc. For those kind of reason, we can add our own emoicon by inserting emoicon in the smile feature.

We can make ourself by any icon generator or a graphics editing program or just searching in the internet.

Before start to add any new emoicon, prepare your icon(s) and upload into any website hosting.(Photobucket, Picasa Web Album, ImageShack, TinyPic, VillagePhotos, etc). This icon can be *.ico, *.jpg,*.gif or any picture extension file.

Adding emoicon in Cbox

For you who use Cbox as your chatbox, this is the steps:
1, Log in into your Cbox account
2. Go to Option
3. Click Smilies

There will be dislayed list of Cbox default emoicon. You can add new emoicon by either delete the existing one (cross sign in the last column) or by clicking New row at lower side of the list.

4. After you add New row, insert your picture URL you have uploaded into picture hosting website into URL column.
5. Fill Code and Alt.Code with your own code and Save.

New additional emoicon will be in your chatbox now



  1. Pertama bacanya sdh ketawa..ada2 sj dalam hati ku pas lihat gbrnya tertarik juga.. lucu

  2. helo mas amri..the emoticon is so funny..

  3. Thanks for the visit. Have a nice time~

  4. wew...
    nice posting negh bang ^_^
    hmm sedih pit, abang ga bisa comment di shoutmixnya pit... >_<
    jadi sedih hiiikksss >_<
