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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Home » » SEO Title Optimization- Blogspot

SEO Title Optimization- Blogspot

For those already familiar with WordPress, must have known that to perform an article search optimization on search engines, which are often known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is required plugin. This is different to Blogspot. In blogspot we only need a small modification to the HTML code. SEO needed for articles that we are posting more easily found by search engines. The point is to raise the pagerank of our blog.

There are two types of SEO titles that we can display on title bar. First, post title followed by blog name and the second is name of your blog post solely that will appear in the title bar of our browser without followed by the name of the blog.

A. Post title followed by Blog name
1. On Edit Template, find below code:

2. Replace above code with below one:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> 
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> 

3. Save your template.

B. Post title only will displayed on title bar
1. On Edit Template, find below code:

2. Replace above code with below one:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> 
<title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> 
3. Save your template.

Try it out and share your experiences!


  1. sebenarnya sih bisa bro titel tag di tiap postingan tiap page dari blog kita......saya juga dah nyoba sama seperti masalah bro amrih sendiri......
    bro minta email kalaupun ada YM biar bisa sharing untuk menguasai dunia....ha ha ha ha ha

  2. gini bro kalau ente mau tiap postingan dengan meta tag beda tiap pagenya......

    {b:if cond=’data:blog.url == “isi dengan url postnya”‘}
    {meta content='keywords, words key, kunci kata, worlds key' name='keywords'/}
    {meta content='lhah yo opo iki' name='description'/}

    ni letaknya kalau ga salah setelah {head} juga
    ni soalnya dah lama ga kupakai brow.....rumit soalnya...tiap posting harus add code yg begituan dengan berbeda html ente pwanjang jadinya.....
    dulu di blog yg dah kebanned sering make ini.....ya ga semuanya make....pilih yg sekiranya banyak peminatnya.....
    nih sekedar sharing brow.....ane juga masih nubitol still2 learning gitu....

  3. related on my past experience...your comment was right..just change it in ten times.....ha ha ha ha ha ha...but i dont know to make it easy
    because of i have learned it just by my self, or maybe you can search or ask mr gugel about it...he he he he for the last option
    i think your signature in my comment post seems like a dead link, please you fix it so i can follow that link to see your page. thank you

    Best Regards
