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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Plastic Recycling Code

Do you use a lot of plastic packaging for your food or drinks?  Be careful.! Plastics are made with specific goals tailored to their usage. Let say packaging for detergents, food, oil, chemicals, water, and so forth. Characteristics of each plastic materials also vary.

Code of plastic materials are usually placed at the bottom of the plastic containers. Basically  this code states the level of their recycle rate because each plastic materials have a different recycling rate. This code also states the resin content of plastic materials and in terms of application, we can find the guidance in using plastic materials. Some are suitable for high temperature application and some aren't. Some plastic are allowed  for one use only, and some 
even poisonous. For the food grade plastic, we can use as our food container. That is why you need very careful in using those kind of plastic, especially for your food and drink container. 
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